luni, 5 octombrie 2009


Early morning in the office, I am trying to whisper loud to the lady on the other line:
- "Good Morning, I will be in Izmir on Friday and would like to have the full check-up package"
- "Yes, Sir. Any further details we may need to know except the package you desire? By the way, how are you? I am fine, thanks for asking"
- "Sorry, sure M'am, hope you are doing well; I would also like to have the fertility test"
- "Which test?" she asks back in an obviously mocking manner.
- "Spermatogram M'am, for fertility measuring"
- "Whose fertility Sir?", now she took the stage for the other nurses listening...
-"My horse's fertility M'am", fck, I might have offended her. But she is evidently an oldtimer and cannot be hurt;
-"Then call the Vet Clinic, we check and treat human beings here"
-"sorry M'am, my sperm count..." I am afraid someone is listening to this conversation also in my office. "and despite all recent comments about myself, I do belong to mankind. I would like to check if I can leave a woman pregnant and need your help". Shit....Did I say that?
- "My help for you to check what, Sir? Maybe we should get to know each other first a bit?"
She is probably writing 'Bull's eye!!!' in the air with her index finger...
-"Nope, sorry, I just want to leave the... the liquid to you, to be counted".. pfff.... Pathetic...
-"I am just a nurse, Sir. I do not count anything. But your existence counts for us". Isn't she lovely being so frustrated and frustrating? Cleans her throat, now she is coming to her senses, the show might be over, "Sir, you need to have a 3 days diet prior to the test"
- "What kind of a diet, M'am?"
- "No sex, Sir. Is it clear enough?" . I sighed here, mostly exhaled loudly... That provoked her to communicate with me again, "where are you living, Sir?"
-"In Bucharest. Romania" the tone of my reply indicates the loss of any self confidence..
-"I see, Sir. Then just try to keep your hands off the Hagi beauties at least for 2 days". After she took the notes and announced me the hour to be there, I hear the laughter in the background while she is hanging off...
Hagi Beauties? How could she dare to mix the only 2 things she knows about Romania, in this manner? Or was that an implicit help to stay away from any action before the tests???

2 comentarii:

Unknown spunea...

tell me this is not true.... i dont believe this!

T-Man O spunea...

Except the fact that the conversation was not in english, the rest is true... Since the morning I am imagining Hagi-faced midget girls waving their pony-tails while running in soccer shoes and mini skirts...

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